Wichita Falls Hearing

Does Golf Affect Hearing?


Hearing loss is a common problem for older people. But new research says that it can happen to people at a younger age, too. Hearing impairment often happens over time because of being exposed to really loud noises. But sudden, sharp, high-pitched noises can also damage hearing. These damages may happen because of big events like explosions or gunshots or the harsh sound that results from a golf club smacking into a golf ball.

Sound is measured in decibels. Regular conversations occur between 60 to 70dB. Any noise over 85dB can result in temporary or permanent hearing loss, especially if there is continued exposure to these loud noises. A rock concert can exceed 130dB and can damage your hearing, as will a golfer’s “ping” that results from the contact between a titanium golf club and the hard golf ball that exceeds 120dB.

Protect your ears when you are in a loud place. You can do this by wearing earplugs or noise-eliminating headphones. This is helpful for golf too, because there are times when you need to be careful of sudden noises during golfing. It is also important to wear hearing protection at work if it is noisy, so that you don’t have problems with hearing later on.

It is hard to tell if people are hearing impaired. If you have trouble hearing conversations or can’t hear sounds on the phone, or if you always have to turn up the TV or radio loudly for others, then you might need help. If you are having trouble hearing sounds such as high-pitched voices or low, dull sounds, you may have hearing loss. If this is the case, you should visit a hearing specialist who can help explore your options for hearing aids.

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